[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 181 ----( USA Energy Bill and
Hagar. )
slatersfb at aol.com
slatersfb at aol.com
Fri Jul 29 11:07:24 EDT 2005
I agree with Hagar. But the problem here is greed, and I, for one, don't know how to change that. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer; raising the prices at the pump wuold hurt the poor mostly. The rich don't give a damn what they have to pay to fuel their Hummers and Expeditions. My neighbor has a Ford F250 with a V10 engine. Imagine that. GM is in trouble and has just hired some guru to bail them out, but none of the proposed future GM products I've seen are anywhere near as efficient as a 20 year old Rabbit. Every car add on TV mentions horsepower. One even tells you how to daydream of off road adventures while sitting in traffic in your SUV. Seems like people buy what is sold to them, and as long as the guys at the top are making the money, they will keep selling greed.
According to the NY Times, the text of the Energy Bill is not yet available.
Bob In The Entire State
-----Original Message-----
From: H . Hagar. <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 20:34:56 -0700
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 181 ----( USA Energy Bill and Hagar. )
I Hagar sez : My Amerikan friends ---- smarten up ---do you NOT understand
that your
problem is NOT how to manage a shortage of Energy ------BUT how to manage an
abundance of Energy ?.
I Hagar know that I will be very unpopular with my Amerikan friends. ---when I
say what I
am going to say.-----and here it is : IF I was President ---tomorrow
morning the
price at the pump --would be at least 3 dollars per US gallon.----BUT -----no
the money
would NOT go in Oilbarons pocket.---- and next January first the price would go
to 4
dollars per gallon US.----- then to whatever will smarten you up -----NOT to
waste Oil the
way you do now. ---- Like Denmark during hard times ? ---you bet your sweet
ass --RATIONING ---I will introduce.---- Tomorrow the US . Senate will wote on
the Energy
Bill ? ---- ---- My friends ? ---- you can't do better than that ? --if
so you are
One of you please send me by Email the full text of Bill.---I am limited by a
Phone line
speed. For doing a google on it.
Am I with my Amerikan friend's on Energy ? ----BET YOUR SWEET ASS.----
Hagar. the miser on power.
PS : In North Amerika we have an Energy problem ? BULLSHIT we have a
Management problem.
Me Hagar is up to my ass in ENERGY.----and cheap.
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