[Vwdiesel] Fuel filters, spec's, lifespan.

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 31 14:28:52 EDT 2005

Hi Sandy-

Sorry I cannot really answer any of your questions,
but I'd say that judging from the crap that is stuck
in my prefilter, it is doing something.  The element
is starting to get dark, and, interestingly, there is
some sediment at the bottom of the filter's "canister"
or housing.  So it is definately keeping that crap
from getting into the VW filter.

I don't imagine it will last a bunch longer, which
means I should probably get a new one soon, as I used
the spare on my boat last weekend!  :-)


--- Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net> wrote:

> When I got in to burning various waste oils, old
> furnace oil, veggie, etc, I
> was concerned about this stuff plugging up the
> expensive volks OEM filter
> before it's time, which , I am sure is spec'ed to do
> the job right.
> I checked the local FLAPS (cTc) for an in-line
> filter of reasonable price,
> reasonable size, and compatible 5/16" spiggot size,
> to insert in the line
> before the VW filter, and serve as a cheap
> throw-away protection to extend
> the service life of the expensive OEM filter.
> What is the suggested life of that filter anyway?
> Years, Miles, Kms?
> The pre-filter I am using at present is a GKI GF61M,
> Wix equivalent, 33032,
> Fram G2 or G12.
> These are all gas filters but fit physically with
> little fuss, come with 2
> bits of 2" long hose and clamps, and are easy
> "roadside replacement" items.
> Like Rolf, I see roadside repairs far prefferable to
> calling "Bob the hook",
> and a few of these little filters in the trunk are
> good insurance. And, by
> gosh, the price is right, 99c US
> What I could NOT find out on the net, or from the
> suppliers, is what's
> inside. Is it just a wide place in the fuel line, or
> does it realy provide
> some filtering?
> Nowhere could I find any specs on flow rates, micron
> rating, etc. It's like
> they don't want to have us find out.
> I would like to find out if they really provide
> protection and extend the
> service life of the VW filter.
> I have been running one in front of the main filter
> in the 87 jetta for more
> than a year, burning 50% veggie, and it has not
> plugged yet.
> I did, however, have a little adventure with the 94
> the other day, steaming
> back from the camp, a 1.6 hour trip, it started to
> get sluggish at 60mph,
> and I noticed the temp rising.
> Fearing the worst, I peeled of at the next exit and
> it stalled at the stop
> sign. Checked the oil, OK, coolant, OK, waited a
> while and got it running
> again...maxi-bubbles in the fuel line.
> tried to sneak home on the back roads, but didn't
> make it, limped into a
> farm supply store and bought a little plastic
> lawnmower filter with
> appropriate sized spiggots, disconnected the OEM,
> and inserted the toy in
> it's place.
> Drove home with no further trouble. 
> There was no pre-filter in the line before the OEM
> The OEM was purchased 7 or 8 years ago, and had at
> least 100,000 km on it,
> maybe 100,000 miles. 
> It was running 50% filtered veggie for the last 3
> months
> End game:
> What are the filtering specs of in-line gas filters?
> What is the expected life of the OEM filter, and
> it's filtration specs?
> My hope is to run with the pre-filter, carry spares
> for quick roadside
> replacement when plugged, and continue to enjoy
> half-priced fuel with
> minimum work.
> Sandy
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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