[Vwdiesel] Mileage test of Rabbit 1984 --- ( Smileage -GRIN GRIN ala Hagar )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jul 31 23:46:55 EDT 2005

I am a big time experimenter here too.



I Hagar OZ8YM  --say 73    and HI HI (in Deutz that is Heil Hitler)  HHI- no shit.
Anyhow I found out that you were in to Minies ---and I have lots of Lucas and a mini motor
and stuff sitting here that I will never use.---I intended to make a Gen Set out of the
engine ---after a rebuild the guy rolled the thing in to a ditch  ------BUT then I saw the
VW diesel and that is better for a Genset----so I was going to give you the whole shebang
for free---I admired your spirit NO other reason.      I shall send you a couple of
pictures ---of the thing.    ------In the UK they go nuts racing those minies on
looked like a ball of fun to me ----I did a fair amount of racing in my 1957
MGA-----engine worked like Swiss coocoo  clock.----compare that engine and the VW   --EH ?
blimey near the same. The VW being the better.

Hagar .

PS :    Cripes I still have a problem getting over how Smooooooooth she is ----yes Bunny
that is some four banger engine my friends.

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