[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 160 --- ( Hagar on the SENILE virus ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jun 2 12:31:20 EDT 2005

  I'm envisioning two or three cones with several feet of flames coming 
out the back!  ;-)  Of course the outward facing parabolic engine is 
supposed to be several, maybe even double digit % more efficient!  :-)

Hagar zes :   Loren   --  now would that not be better than the  "Black as Tobys Ass"   cone
on Jakes  Rabbit   ?????.

For the benifit of NEWBIES    just dropping in ----  This is a bit of bantering ?  (right word) ?
between an old Danish (73)   geezer and Loren .   ---I am a newbie ---sort of ---and
Loren is the       " Elvis "   of this forum.  I am a 24/7     classical type  ---Mozart wall to wall.
2 X 100 watts.  ---all digital from a  US  Sattelite.        I am a great admirerer of Elvis   ---and I
bet if he had a Rabbit --???? ---it would be Hillbilly Tuned  to perfection.

What ? has Elvis to do with this forum ?  ----listen to him sing in German --that should answer
that question.

My Heart may fail me --but  NEVER NEVER my spirit.--------Maybe just maybe I will get
a by-pass ??????   in time.  --------shit if that happens  you guys will not get rid
of me for years and years..

Maybe I better go back on Rabbit droppings ?  ----OK.


PS :    Yes   I drive a Rabbit every day -----and I love her --"Bunny Bondo" ---

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