[Vwdiesel] Transmission fluid draining
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jun 2 15:24:55 EDT 2005
Contrary to popular belief, the limited slip friction modifier makes the oil SLIPPERIER, not less slippery. The addative is to reduce chattering in a limited slip differential. In a tranny, adding the modifier would make shifting WORSE, not better. Using GL-4 oil in a limited slip diff. would make it grabbier and probably wear out much sooner.
I OLD Hagar is so ancient I remember PINION and CROWN gears ---- yeah top that ?
They were the reason for rearend oil being produced ---called HYPOID ----oil .
If you think Hillbilly Tuning is a skill ? ---try adjusting pinions. ----- BUT I see nothing in a VW
tranney that even looks like it may need HYPOID lube ?.
I have in front of me the BOOK from ExxonMobil ---and it lists GL-1 to GL-6 in different
viscosities. .------ In my Rabbits I use ESSO Gear Oil 80W90 ---- GL-5 . ----
a little stiff shifting on a cold cold morning -----BUT after a few miles ? ----like a knife in HOT butter.
I drained and put in new oil in my 5 speed 1984 --- 7A 23 113. She drank 2.25 Liter.
Right leg up in the air.
PS : IMHO any good gear lube will work -----even GL-1. (we are up to GL-6 now).
My Rabbits only slip in the snow and mud.
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