[Vwdiesel] Vimy bomber replica

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jun 6 17:38:06 EDT 2005

There are enough aviators here, that I am unabashed at posting this.


Hagar is one  Aviator  who will never complain about a super tale  like that.

Those pictures you took may turn out to be important  ----   thats a lot of   H2O   out there.

I did not have the sense to take pictures  ---in feb   1957        to    ????    feb  1958      at
Torontos       Malton ?   ----I was talking to   a crew of a USAF    B47    sitting in front of AVROS big hangar.

I was old NATO   so bullshitting was easy  ----   On the right side by the tail   was a great big engine
bolted to the side. (Jet) .      Iroquis ?      they told me that they could shut down all the other
engines and fly on that one ONE.

Then I saw 3  CF -105 s   ----  AVRO   ARROWS    sitting on the apron.   ----I still did not take
pictures.       Bloody shame that is ?   -----  when they were scrapped   I stole a few pieces.

>From the fire control system.


PS :       I still have a few pieces sitting downstairs in my "Collection" ? of junc.

By the way  -- THAT was one nice looking machine.

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