[Vwdiesel] NA Rabbit tuning

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jun 10 17:15:53 EDT 2005

E. Yes, I know I'm supposed to look for the Hillbilly tuning...I haven't had
a heck of a lot of luck so far.  Has anybody compiled it in one cohesive

-- Dan Sloan

My last tank of diesel with the Bondo Golfy, I got 59MPG Imperial...roughly
47.2MPG US
Not bad for a 20 year old car with 409,000kms on it.
Mike in NB

Hagar zes   Tuning is catching on    ---  EH ?    guys.

Lots of  "  Smileage "    at   the end of the tunnel.


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