[Vwdiesel] Finally changed wheel bearing

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Sat Jun 11 18:39:38 EDT 2005

Tony, or anyone else,

It would be great to have one of the screw type bearing tools 
reverse engineered.  Thread specs, "washer" sizes.  

BTW, I just did rear brakes on a 03 Jetta TDI.  Thank you Autozone,
for having loaner tools.  Setting the pistons back (screw style)
took more time per side, than the rest of the total job!
Without the Autozone freebie loaner, I would have messed for 
even longer.


> Today I had a mechanic friend help me change my front wheel bearing. We used 
> a threaded rod with a plate on one end and a large washer on the other end 
> to put the bearing and then the hub back together. While we were working on 
> the car, we also changed the strut bearings on both sides.
> Total cost:
> 35.00 for wheel bearing
> 34.00 for both strut bearings
> 10.00 for pizza
> $79.00 bucks for all.
> Worst part of the day was 30 celsus heat. with the humidex = 40 celsus. or 
> 104 Fahrenheit
> Tony
> Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's 
> character, give him power.
> Abraham Lincoln
> >From: Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
> >To: vwdiesel at audifans.com
> >Subject: [Vwdiesel] TD vs. N/A heads
> >Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 13:34:00 EDT
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> >I appreciate Roger's post and the link to the TD tech article.  I have read
> >it before.  It does state that the development of the TD required some 
> >changes
> >to the previous N/A engine.  What I have wondered is whether VW implemented
> >many of those changes into the N/A motor also, or to what extent they ran 
> >two
> >seperate production lines.  I have heard from several individuals that were
> >extremely familiar with the diesels, most notably a very precision oriented
> >machinist who rebuilds the heads, that have stated that there were no 
> >differences in
> >the castings or the alloys between the TD and the N/A heads.  Valves were
> >different.  Again, it is hearsay.  I have even seen an '86 N/A engine with 
> >the
> >same head casting number as a head on an '86 TD engine.  068 103 373 D.  I 
> >do
> >not know for certain that neither head was previously replaced.  I would 
> >like to
> >hear more regarding this, as replacing TD heads is very pertinent to me.
> >Andrew
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