[Vwdiesel] Rabbit Droppings #161

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jun 11 23:35:29 EDT 2005

  Somehow I missed McNamara shaking hands with Hanoi Jane, and he
didn't mention her in "The Fog of War."  That would seem to be
"newsworthy," at least moreso than Fuchida thanking Tibbets for ending
their war.
 Scott Kair

Loren and Scott   ---   I am Old NATO stuff    ---and I am fully aware of the DUTY to go   and so on.

Jane Fonda was never on my front burner  ---so I do not know what she really did wrong.

The hate mail I got from USA   lit my fuse  ----and I looked up  Jane on the net.,,,-----yes she was young and
STUPID      ----- BUT ?   ---she has admitted to doing wrong and she apologized to the NAM veterans
---that in itself makes me like her more.

IF  Jane Fonda was my daughter ?   ---I would be proud as a peacock.   ----Further   I can find it in my
heart to forgive  McNamara . -----      The two sure looked cute as a couple on Telly.

Hope you guys understand  ---that    Lt. Kalley      at MyLai   ---was just a symptom of what was wrong with
the NAM war.  -----    The punishment MUST be meated out to the Emperor ,President   or whatever
the TOP   is     --- Queen ?    so be it.  .


PS :   Yes Loren I agree with you  in the mains.  (  did I Hagar  shit in the buckwheat with this one ? )

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