[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 162 -- ( Hanoi Jane and Hagar )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jun 13 11:56:17 EDT 2005

Jane Fonda  you shit in the buckwheat this time  --- and so did I Hagar.

Thank you guys for the PM's   about Jane.  ---Have no fear I want to know
the whole story.     A coin has two sides  --even today.      If she was my daughter
I would still insist she face the camera and be punished to the full extend of the LAW.
I think a year or two in jail plus a fine  ----may be in order . If found guilty.

My class of NATO took the brunt of that   ---disaster.   I lost more old comrades than
 Carter has Liver pills .

I decided early to move my delicate body -----up to the GREAT WHITE north  for a while.

Then I found out how GREAT  it was up here   ----wow ---and I never moved back to the USA
except for working at times.

I feel exonerated  and justified  -----now that Robert McNamara  has admitted  that the whole
thing was wrong. ----WRONG  ----get it ?.  (  I was right )

I was trained in NATO  Denmark   --  and after the Germans  claimed that they JUST   followed ORDERS ?
The newly established NATO (Europe)   was run on a rule that said ---NO MORE the END JUSTIFIES the MEANS.
And following orders is NO LONGER good enough  , as an excuse for WAR crimes.

What about Korea ?  ---you say.  ----my class had to face that one too.-----look at that mess NOW ?.

I consider myself  blessed ---- I NEVER  fired a gun in anger.--------ANYWHERE.

Is Hagar a coward ?  --a Peacenik ? --a --Pacifist ?  ---not at all.

BUT    I have boundless admiration for the NAM --ese ---and HO.    Wish Denmark could have shown
some guts in 1940  on the 09 April.  ----to this day I am embarrassed.

Them little GOOKS in the pajamas sure had what it took ---NO shit.   And as far as Hagar is
concerned ---they deserve everything they got now.  ---and we should help them.

Anyway feel free to Inform me about Hanoi Jane any time. ---I really want to know.


PS :  Please NO hate mail.

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