[Vwdiesel] headless EuroVan - rings/valve cover ooze?

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jun 19 18:29:33 EDT 2005

I Hagar is a wizard ----- like sort of   Cassius Clay type --? ---I am the greatest ?

But NOT so arrogant that I forget someone may be better.(a limping home wizard).

Rolf  first ---let us know --how far from homebase ?.   ------doing a ring job ?  forget it.

A head-gasket job on the side of the road --on Fathers day ? in MA   in the middle of June
2005 ?   ------- shit  that is a piece of  Apple Pie with Loren on line.

Have a nice picnic

Get her home  ---and then pull the head again ----and do the rings.   -----BLACK TAR  is
a symptom. --------------a bad one .    Overfueling and lots of blow-by.

The first thing is to scout the surroundings ---    find a kindred spirit.   Borrow a weed eater.
and level the tall grass.-----Then get wife and kids set up for a nice time-----whatever it takes.

And I do mean   WHATEVER.    ------diaper change ?  ----no shit ---NO problem.

Drop everything and get  Pampers  --or whatever ----got it ?.

In a sense I envy you-------- I have not limped home for a long long time ----shit I miss that
feeling of accomplishment. ?    -----like rewinding a Motorola Alternator way the hell up in
the interior of British Columbia in a snow drift ?  ------try to top that one. ?. Tons of witnesses
phone   Larry Friday    Richmond BC if you like ----he was there.

Making DO is my ---MOTTO -----you got to move ? right ?   so if it is by  James Hansen land bailing wire
 or Mark Shepherd --way of doing it  ? ----you make it ?  ---what else is more important ?


If you sacrifice your fathers day  ----right away ?   ----believe me your Daughter and your Wife
will be impressed----    bet your ass.

Now would Hagar in 1939  ----even dream that in 2005    ---he would sit and listen to all 
German  Radio ?   ---no way.         BUT that is what I am doing right now      Radio Herz 
from Toronto Canada.    -----  just love it -----great programming.

It does have one flaw ?  ----jepper ----it is hard not to grab a woman and dance    ----sure is
dance musik ---------------- for OLD geezers.

My German is getting ahead of my English ?   ---EH ?     ---- NO    ----BUT my German is
sure getting a lot besser. -----Sehr Shoen. Jah ?    aber naturlish.  ---


PS :     Only last night ---I was dying  ----in my mind ---but today ?  ---shit right now
I am full of IT.

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