[Vwdiesel] normal running temp

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Jun 23 00:48:31 EDT 2005

  Grab a candy thermometer or what have you, that reads into the 200F 
area.  Warm up the car, remove the reservoir cap and put it in.  The temp 
in the reservoir will read the coolant temp.  You can see what temps are 
what marks, where the fan kicks on, off, etc.  
  Most VW and Audi seem to have "normal" beteen half and 3/4.  On my 
Quattro there are adjustments for top stop, bottom stop, and a couple on 
the range.  There's a nifty adjustable resistance box that the numbers 
relate to little hash marks on the edge of the gauge face.  If you have 
the box (or the equivelancies of the settings for resistance) then you 
can calibrate it.  The numbers on the box don't corelate directly to 
resistance numbers.  :-P  Also Bentley seems to have omitted this 
procedure (amognst others) from their copying of the factory manuals.

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