[Vwdiesel] Vimy bomber
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jun 25 21:35:08 EDT 2005
Sandy Cameron and All --- : darn. ----(ah shit).
Lucas was king in Sandy Cameron land when I was there ---it was LUCAS here and Lucas there.
I still got a collection of Lucas stuff ---like I mean everything Lucas I ever used in the past
and that is a lot.
In 1971 about I decided I had enough with a 20 amp Generator in the 1960 Landrover 109.
I found out that Motorola made the Worlds best Alternator ( 60 Amps? ) for police cars
and taxis. ------Worlds best dollar for dollar. -----yes Leece Neville were fine.
The Motorola Alternator ---- passed the test ----it really performs ----60 amps at idle ?
not bad. ------Solid state voltage regulation.
I think Bunny Bondo has a "Motorola" alternator. ----so far it works great. (20 years ?).
I saw a clip on CTV ----and the engines sure sounds great ?. I pray that they make it.
They will ---I'll put a bit of mula on it ---any takers ? . ------ By the way I played with two
Rabbits all day -----it was a Rabbidosious day here. I am still hoping to see your
friends garage door open ---? ---LOL. Sure is a nice place he got there.
Took Bunny Bondo for spin through "Paradise Valley" ----- looks like Paradise lost.
due to clear cutting.
Sandy Cameron did you notice what make alternators they were using ?.
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