[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 146 --- ( we DO learn ).

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Jun 26 16:05:14 EDT 2005

I say get rid of your stock.  ----I do not have any.    Best right now  IMHO 
?   VW and Honda.

  Traditioinally I'd say VW is a buy and sell stock. Make money off of it 
but don't invest.  Even though GM and such screw up a lot and don't 
seem to always do the best, their stock tends to grow as an investment.
VW has a bad habbit of make something that sells, keep selling it, 
don't market it and then sit idle while they lose their market share. 
I DO like how they hold onto a good idea but they've really only had 
3 major sales bursts.  The Beetle, The Rabbit and then a slow rise 
from the A3 (Trek, etc) into the Audi platformed A4's.
  Great cars and great to stick to but the in between times causes a 
lot of floundering, which hurts overall support and makes dealers 
hard to find and lack of some sort of company policies makes them 
often some of the most dishonest or incompetent to deal with.  That 
DOESN'T help stock values (here anyway) a bit.
  Just buy the good cars and invest in the companies whos stock 
records make sense.  :-)

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