[Vwdiesel] *93 EV DSL - cyl head work - pics - PLS ADVISE*
Shalyn Shourds
sshourds at flash.net
Tue Jun 28 01:35:20 EDT 2005
Well, when I blew the belt tensioner on my TDI head and exploded a
couple of lifters, the shop that had not too long before installed that
tensioner sort of honed out the shredded lifter bore and told me that
the head was fine. When I took it to a good rebuilder in town that had
experience in aluminum heads, they told me that it was a few hundred
dollars from good. There were still divots missing. If the surface
isn't cylindrical, it may not hold oil pressure. The rebuilder welded
up the area and re-bored it so that it was back to cylindrical. Also
had to mill out the adjacent bores because they were deformed from the
trauma too. That head worked fine until the belt blew again thirty
miles later.....
Doesn't seem like 0.003" is a lot. I don't know what reference it is
for you, but the max warp for a 1.6 head is 0.004". Shop took one pass
with the surfacer on my TDI head just to check to see if it was level or
not. I've heard mentioned on the list of people surfacing until they
hit valves. Looks like you're not supposed to switch cam blocks, but
the camshaft just torques on. No plastigauge or anything. I hope cam
block order doesn't matter on the TDI because I got a cardboard box of
parts back from the rebuilder.... Fellow intrepid list members have
rebuilt heads at home with good results.
Whether you want your camshaft back may depend on if it came out of the
trauma with all of the lobes intact. Sounds like to me that this guy
and you have about the same head rebuilding experience: only difference
is that he's done more Chevy 350's. I had to look all over town to find
a shop willing to touch the head on my TDI. Most of them said "No" over
the phone. One or two said "Yes" but shouldn't have. As to what he
deserves, well, I think we all know the answer to that. What it will
take to make the situation work out in your favour I don't know. I wish
you were around here so I could at least point you to a decent
rebuilder. Part of the beauty and the tragedy of this being an
international list.
I am so sorry that this is messing up your day. It is a tragedy, though
one well told and illustrated. Also, one that can still end up
Keep the faith!
rOLf peCHUkas wrote:
> hey all
> sorry to be posting so much, but I'm over my head and need a little
> consultation
> I went to see my cylinder head today
> posted pics and questions here:
> http://www.4u2bu.org/93ev-cylinderhd.html
> if you have time I sure would appreciate any thoughts
> thx
> Rolf
> Rolf
> Cambridge, MA
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