[Vwdiesel] Speedometer Cable Gear Question

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Jun 28 10:32:16 EDT 2005

  I recall some discussion
about the gear that goes into the tranny identified by color.  I'm
runnin an '84 Rabbit D tall gear 4spd and a 1.6NA engine.  Do any of you
know where I can get the right little cable gear and which color it
should be?


I Hagar  have a 1982  Two door Rabbit   1.6 L NA    --- sitting here ---raring to stretch her legs.
anyway it came with a Tall 4 speed ----GL Tranney  ---I then put in a Shorty 4 speed
GC tranney -----   never changed the gear on end of cable.    So   IMHO     your
problem is up top.

BUT if you need a gear ---I probably have some spares ( no charge )    simple to mail.

I do remember the discussion  ---it is still in archives.     ATMU   it had to do with
wheel size.

Hagar .

PS :     Green is a go -- go. (engine)  ----gears look like white nylon.

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