[Vwdiesel] Ring Break-In and Oil use... Alien view
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Mar 4 02:46:24 EST 2005
This bit about ring rotation....
It doesn't, at least when you want it to happen.
Scenario was a crate Gm 6.5 turbodiesel using oil from new... which was
normal, to well after 5000 miles which was not. Suspected ring alignment
issue when all other tests showed normal engine condition.
Warranty teardown showed ring gaps on two cylinders aligned. New rings
installed into scuffed bores, now there is no oil use above normal. Breakin
was identical in both instances.
There is nothing to cause the rings to turn, unless thrust bearings wear and
there is angular motion somewhere from the rods, or the pistons can wobble
in the bores.
Pinned rings on 2 cycles are a special case however. Oddly enough, my sled
doesn't have pinned rings, and the ports are fairly substantial on the
exhaust side.
-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces+jhsg=sasktel.net at vwfans.com
[mailto:vwdiesel-bounces+jhsg=sasktel.net at vwfans.com]On Behalf Of
LBaird119 at aol.com
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 1:30 AM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Ring Break-In and Oil use... Alien view
> I don't know what keeps the rings from rotating. Maybe
> there's no force to make them want to rotate?? I'm just
> blind guessing.
I've had them rotate before. I ALWAYS stagger the rings in a set
Don't think I've ever had many of them come out as installed. In fact on
the Jetta's first re-ring, I had a friend do it and he was quite surprised
find the rings, at least in one cylinder, all lined up straight. He knew I
wouldn't have assembled it that way!
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