[Vwdiesel] Not sure if anyone has been watching this E-bay 84 Westy

Bryan Belman bbwerks at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 12:12:40 EST 2005

The number of pictures alone is impressive, 210.

This this should be in a musium, not up for auction.

It is the cleanist early 80's van I have ever seen.

The one time owner put 7,100 into it over the 20 years she owned it. 
Must have had a head job once already.  This dealership did a head job
on it just in case to increase the sale value.  I bet it will sell for
over 12K, that is really something.

E-bay auction #4533503485
9 hours to go.

Bryan Belman
Pt. Pleasant, NJ
82 Diesel Westy complete restoration in progress
04 Jetta TDI PD 5sp Wagon
90 Audi 200 Turbo gasser
70 Type 1, 1600cc

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