[Vwdiesel] Oil pump choices for 1.6TD rebuild

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Mar 10 03:18:33 EST 2005

> Clearly I need the larger 36mm gears (stock on all hydraulic TDs I 
> believe), 
> but I understand all replacements pumps use the larger gears now, or so 
> I've heard. Is there an even larger pump size for more flow?
> I'd like a good quality pump, prefer German, but don't want to pay 
> $100+Shawn Wright

  Most of the replacement pumps lean toward the 30mm gears, with 
not so many 26mm out there.  Those are for anything up to TD with 
a hydraulic head, which need the 36mm gears. 
  I've put in 2 and have a 3rd to do, of the 36mm pumps.  Two will be on 
modified blocks where I need the extra oil flow along with a turbo.  The 
other was a "what the heck" instance on the '85 Jetta TD.
  I've used the Shadek pump for each and had no trouble other than 
at the time there were no 36mm replacement pumps for a diesel.  I had 
to R&R the drive shaft as the diesel-with-power brakes shaft is almost 
an inch longer than the gas without.  Learned that the difficult way.
  My last is for a diesel application however it's going into the Dasher so 
I still have to swap the bottom plate/pickup.  :-P

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