[Vwdiesel] Battery talk for beginners # 4 ----( the Kaddiums )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Mar 11 12:45:13 EST 2005

A battery made 100 years ago --that will start Bunny Bondo in Hansen land
when it is  minus 59C  does NOT impress you ?.(will not fit in front).

Well a battry that rolls over and dies in 3 years ?  ---does NOT impress me much.

Makes me think I was HAD again.

Loren the cells you described ?  ---sounds like a BRAND name    "Nicad".

A swede by the name Jungner    designed and patented a kaddium in about 1900
at the same time Edison patented a  Nikkel Steel.   a bit of danish spelling crept in there.

And yes    NIFE  made in england can be refilled  even after sitting dry for years.

There are many many types of alkaline batteries.  -  Yardley made a silver cell  and so on.

They all have a place in industry.   Many are used in sattelites.    We are NOT
dicussing   those small camera and computer things.

We are discussing the Steel case individual cells.    Boil freeze overcharge undercharge?
they take it in stride.   I sometimes use them for splitting water   Oxygen and Hydrogen.

What a GAS   WOW .    ----  


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