[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump talk ---- ( for the pump gang and all )

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Mar 21 00:30:06 EST 2005

> If you can get hold of a can of Diesel Purge ---it works pretty good.
For cleaning interior
> of pump.  There may be better stuff.    Anyway get a new stub shaft
assembly for
> cold shaft ---very cheap. Two screws and nothing is connected to it inside
Lubro Moly Diesel Purge is the full name.  Good squirrel piss, as it
actually does something, unlike most of the other stuff.

> It comes with two new Orings.   Do the pump step by step.    And my
suggestion is do not hot
> tank block if it is a caustic tank----like a boilout tank. A good chemical
steamcleaning will do.

Why do you say this? Is it too hard on the metal? I've heard of coolant
getting thin on older blocks.
You don't want to change tolerances by removing metal chemically.

You could commandeer the household dishwasher, use regular dishwasher soap,
or better, one of those new Electrosol "tabs" with the blue ball in the
middle. Furiously clean all traces of diesel fuel from the parts before
doing this with an evaporating brake cleaner.  After the rinse cycle, remove
parts when hot and wet, spray IMMEDIATELY with WD-40 to displace the water
and protect the Al from oxidation.  You may want to ensure the Department of
War and Finance is absent when all this goes on. Did I mention to get all
the diesel out of the pump? heh. it's pretty clingy as far as odors go, and
doesn't go well with the coffee cups, well okay , the household coffee


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