[Vwdiesel] Dieselfest Pacific ----( Cider and Lobster fest ? why not ? )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Mar 24 16:01:09 EST 2005

Val Christian  ----I think  "JAKE"   will run away with that one or James Hansen.

I quit smoking long long time ago --so I am --a bystander (  Judge ? maybe ).

Like Dogs and Cats there are different kinds   ----and so with LOBSTERS.

Inshore coldwater Lobsters ?  ----I am drooling. ----- Some of the finest come from  N.B. Canada.

The finest  Caviar I ever tasted was made in  Blacks  Harbour   USA    lumpfish  eggs.(Romanoff?)

Now I can only get Swedish  stuff ?  ---why.?.

At Pacific we can get fresh  fish and clams  and oysters   ---and BIG VW  Burger .  EH Loren ?.

And VW Pancakes  --eh   Crepes.    ----make sure to bring lots of Kids. ----it is a Paradise.

Yes there will be a sandcaste competition if I am there.   -----In 73 years I have been to so many
of those type of gatherings ---and the FIRST one ?   is usually a real bang up affair.

More later  "Bunny Bondo"  is calling and the weather is a OK.  Hummers moved in
18 Mar 2005  --the earliest  ever. -----Globel Warming ?   ---keep it coming.


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