[Vwdiesel] Rabbit quits smoking ? ----( here is why )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun May 1 13:03:12 EDT 2005

 At roughly a quart to the tank that's roughly a 40:1 ratio of oil to fuel.  
shoudn't make all that much difference in viscosity, I wouldn't think. 

Hagar  zez :      Loren your thinking is right  -------   BUT it was not a quart to a tankful.

 I explained all in fuel experiments.      I was up to 1 quart to 10 liter  ---Kerosene to
1 quart of AD-100.

But I did a lot of experimenting to make sure that the AD-100 was doing it.    Never got to a
minimum   or a maximum .  

The difference in performance was ASTOUNDING.------------would have to be experienced.

So I wound up saying that this would make for a PERFECT   pump test.    And it  did.

Use a small container or like me a BIG  Picle Jar.    I had the jar inside so it was fully visible
while driving. -----------  
Following from Mileage test 84 Rabbit :

Fascinating --- to sit there driving and see the fuel consumption.

A 20 year old Rabbit turning in 20 Kilometers on a Liter ? ---WOW.

If I get one request I shall gladly run the return line in the beaker at idle
for say 500cc and time it to the second.    That is a crude test of
fuel pump. (Vane).        Piece of cake to do.    You can also check the
complete system if you feed from the Tank.

Looking at the flow today was an eye opener ---lots of fuel goes by. BOSCH
states that it is for cooling of pump.

Pickle jar size ?   ---- about 4 liters.   Marked  in Red nail polish.

Yes I shall post figures under Hillbilly Tuning procedures. (later).


PS :  A freezer in the hatch ?  yup ---amazing utility. (more on that later).

Hagar .          01 May 2005.

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