[Vwdiesel] Opinions Needed

Michael Alexander malexand at inreach.com
Tue May 3 14:11:46 EDT 2005

The engine (1600 NA) was suddenly using much oil and down on power so I pulled
the head off to see what has up. The valves had struck the pistons leaving a
light imprint on the piston. The bores looked clean with no grooves and little
ridge on top. I took the head to the local vw guru and he replaced 4 valves,
guides and all of the oil seals and pronounced it good to go.

While the head was off, I confirmed that the TDC mark on the flywheel coincided
with TDC on #1 piston.

 Once the engine was reassembled, it fired right up. No smoking at all, even
when revved. I then took it to a  deep canyon to check for power. It had way
more power than before but eventually, it started blowing blue smoke
constantly. Upon starting, there is no smoke. It takes a couple of minutes of
running and then it starts. 

I parked it and later ran a compression check. They were 440 440 420 420.
Adding oil to the cylinder added 20-30 lbs to each cylinder. There was just a
little oil in the airbox and blowby seems about normal. 

I am wondering whether the head is bad or the rings are no good or both. 

I plan to remove the head this weekend. Will measuring the bores give an
indication whether the rings are bad?

Any help or opinions will be appreciated as I am driving a gas guzzling Scout
as a daily driver.

m alexander

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