[Vwdiesel] Re: running away

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed May 4 14:03:17 EDT 2005

Any suggestions? :


Hagars 2 cents Canadian. :

Loren is a professional VW mechanic  ----so I am taking the litarary road.   I was lurking
every morning , hoping that a thread like this would show up .   You are in the right furum for
this one.   -- yeah I pray too but for more important things.

We have a number of Rabbit runnaways wizards here ---and I am one of them.  
And I shall point you to the other ones.

BUT to ALL of you  , if you value your daugters and sons ----THIS is a very important issue.
And I will spend lots of my time trying to help you.

I have a Hero in OHIO   who has helped a young son for  , about 18 years who was
severely hurt in a car misshap.  ---and NOT a day goes by ----that it does not play on
my mind.

Across from my driveway  --- lives a couple whe lost two teenie daughters  0.5 Km  
north of here .---in what here is known as the "S" turn. I think a young Boy hotshot
driver was driving.

I am 73 and higly experienced -----with all kinds of emergencys.    Brake failures ?
bet your butt. ---Runaway diesels ?   ---absolutely.    BUT the Rabbit ? that was a 
toughf one.   ---- and I know that it may claim a few lives before the training becomes
a standard part of driving VW diesels.

I am talking about  VW  diesels from 1977 to 1984.  ---those are the most likely to
do this. ----They are getting old  ----and so on.

Where does the FUEL come from ?   ----very simple to sort out ---IT  comes from the sump
up though the  black hose from VC to intake connection. It is part of getting fumes out of
crank case.

Dan McArthur   plese post this again without the RE:      so that the archive will find it 
under Runaway. ----it is that important.

And DAN   I beg you to tell this forum how old she is and how long she has driven that VW .

Many , many years ago ---before a Rabbit snared me I read Nws reports of Woman
driver having problems on 401 around Toronto Canada with Rabbits running away
on them. And a BIG investigation took place.   -----BUT unlike us the investigators were
NOT experienced VW diesel Volks. -----   Take a new VW around a track day and
night and it will not do that.

So why Toronto ?  ---simple  --look at Canadian womans driving habits ---they start
the car on winter mornings ---then they go in the WARM house and put on the FACE.
Meanwhile the Rabbit is idling ----putting lots of dieselfuel in to the lube system.

Then on to 401   and pedal to the metal ---she is late as usual. -----Enter the BLOWBY
devil.----------GET IT ?    ----I did --going downhill with next to no brakes.

I took my foot off the pedal  --and she kept speeding UP. ? ----That is when the DEVIL puts the big
"C" clamp on my temples.---and the faster you go the more he turns the screw.

Let me point out that BC is not like 401 or  Texas.   ---The graveyards here are full of truck
drivers and the people they killed ---due to brake failures.

Oh  --by the way Dan --please let her tell her story --to us..    In my case ? it is in the archives.
I said to hell with it --let her blow up.   ----she did not ---and I sat there laugfing my head off like
a fool.  --300 dollars Canadian ---and I care if she throws a few rods and pistons all over the place ?
 ---one little footnote ---that was when I fell in love with those little VW diesels. ---more later.
She survived 10 000 Rpm ?  smoooooth as anything ---like a turbine. ---Then she died-----no
damage of any kind.
The "C" clamp came off  ----and I walked to the hut and had a couple of cold beers.

It is very difficult to imagine the POWER of a lousy little 1.5L NA  VW diesel when it
is allowed unlimited acces to fuel from the sump. ---So you think it is 48 HP SAE net ?
at 500 RPM.? ---NO bloody way --------that was a Rabbit on steroids ---gone berserk
take my word.--(for Gospel).

I would give a lot to have that happen when doing a smoke test in Vancouver BC.
THAT ---was smoke any destroyer Captain would be proud of.

So by now if you do not know that Hagar is a pssionate Rabbit lover and Beetle lover
you will never get it.

To translate VOLKS to english is difficult ---due to the cultural ---difference. But to
my many American friends -----It is a Wal-Mart car. --   brilliant design ---and the
pride and joy of the Fuehrer ---who designed it ---as follows . The engine ? he 
called in Ferdinand Porche --and said --Ferdinand can you design an engine for what
I have in mind. ----Ferdinand went to work ---and the product was the all time
champ of Car engines of ALL time. ---the 36 HP Beetle engine. The many flyboys
here will agree with me ---they know Continental 65 HP and Lycoming 
65 HP engines ----and they are for Aviators what the VW Beetle engine is to driving
simple people all over the place.

I am a great admirerer of the Ford model T ----but   the VW is better. (all around)
Cost per mile is a factor.

Right now ?  I am going to google to find out who came first ?   --Continental 65
or Beetle engine.


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