[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 154 ---- ( 05 May 1945 ---freedom rang out )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu May 5 10:39:47 EDT 2005

As I promissed ----NO complaining  or advice --just jubilation and celebration.

Loking at my Danish clock  at this time in 1945 05 may   I had been free for
15 minutes.    ---Those churchsbells sure sounded good.  Heavenly sound ?

The local churchs belltower was about 900 years old . And the bells were great big
bronze bells  ---- and the rope ?  no nylon  --real HEMP.

In the spirit of this FORUM is American --let me use this chance to say  ...:

THANK YOU  THANK YOU  from the bottom of my angina ridden heart.    -   If you ever had
doubts about corruption in distribution system in DENMARK ?   -- have no fear
your help in parcels and cash ---ALL  got to us --the NEEDY kids. -----and boy were we
needy or what ? ----A woolen blanket would have been a godsend for me shivering
night after night ---------it was cold ----in the bedroom.   I amused myselv
by studying frost flowers on the wall paper. --------I am exsremely happy to see that this
years yunger generation is IS putting lights in the windowsills. Remember Vera Lynn ?
the lights go on again ?   ---remember more than 5 years of total blackout. ?.

Let me point out that I was free ---BUT not all Danes were free---- fighting went on for 
some time . Collaborators fighting Freedom fighters   and German units fighting the Russian
army.   ---- and so on.     ---Diesel  content ?  --yes sir  here it is. ----Burmeister and
Wain Copenhagen  made all those diesels for the Wolfpacks --that sunk some of your
help parcels for the UK.  ----and it was bombed. .    All bombing in denmark was of the
highest professional quality.   Very considerate to civilians. Like B and W  --time delay
bombs.  ---To give the shift workers time to get out. About 10 000 workers per

Yes a mistake took place 21 mar 1945 ----in more than 60 years I NEVER heard any
dane complaining about that terrible mistake.


PS :   Thanks again you yanks  !! ! ! !.----nice job. Well done.

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