[Vwdiesel] Runaway Rabbits ---( and Jettas 1977 to 1984 )

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu May 5 22:05:34 EDT 2005

This is one reason that I suggested to use DINO oil NOT syn.  -----That way 
you can get rid of diesel in
lubeoil at little cost.

ALL  OLD VW diesels with lots of blow-by  winds up with lots of fuel in lube 
on cold morning idling. -----you may quote me.

  Then of course, if your rings being stuck (from a PO using the wrong 
oil) then synthetic just may be the ticket to reduce oil consumption and 
blowby.  Clean the carbon from the rings, screen, etc, without adding to 
the problem.
  Why should you get a LOT of diesel into the oil at startup?  A diesel 
doesn't run rich when cold like a gasser and even those don't really 
dilute the oil just with worn rings.  It's usually a dead cylinder, leaking 
float needle, sunken float, stuck or leaking injector and such that cause 
oil dilution well beyond normal... Right??

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