[Vwdiesel] New Car, New to Turbos and of course New Question --Getting Closer

a f volkswagendiesel at yahoo.com
Fri May 6 16:13:37 EDT 2005

Upon closer inspection, it seems the oil return line of turbo is leaking. Line comes off oilpan as a flex hose and then changes to a solid hose somewhere along its path to turbo and through rear engine mount. How bad is this situation? and where do I begin to fix? I can't make out the exact location of the leak but see that the motor mount flange is soaked in oil.
Any suggstions?
PS I am searching archive right now...any leads?

"H . Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org> wrote:
(I know its not a true TD--since it has Eco pump)


IMHO (hagars) ----you DO have a REAL turbo.


PS : give us more info ---number on pump ----and so on. 

Where should I start?------start by reading ALL of Lorens threads. 
it will take some reading ---but priceless.
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