[Vwdiesel] german design
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun May 8 01:36:34 EDT 2005
Holy cow Hagar! Your exhaust spring clamps
must be really old and rusty. I can't deform mine
more than a quarter inch with my bare hands,
nowhere near enough to span the gap when installing.
I have to use the stud and spreader bars method and
it takes twenty minutes to turn those nuts far enough
and back off. That said I still admire the design and
would rather spend twenty minutes turning freshly
oiled hardware than trying to remove a typical exhaust
Chris Collin
Chris and ALL ------ first of all you are adressing a MASTER bullshitter ---------I did NOT attend
Hogwarts --school of Bullshit Wizardry ---and graduate cum Laude for nothing. ?
Here is my friends version of the difference , between a Liar and a Bullshitter. :
A Bullshitter does NOT care if you believe him.
The springs are like BRAND NEW. ------ and you are reading it right. -----
Hagar NEVER used any tool ever to remove or install clips -----NEVER. I had a feeling I
would get a rise out of this one.
BUT then again ---if you have the background in German design that I have ? no surprice.
Them Krauts were (are) smart.-------read my lips.
Moral ? if you find it HARD to do ? ----you are NOT doing it the best way. ----period.
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