[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 156 ----( how did Hagar learn so fast
? )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon May 9 00:46:44 EDT 2005
Jeepers when I stumbled in here I did NOT know that those socket head screws in
the propshaft was NOT hex -----so I stripped a few,----------then Loren told me that
they were 3 X 4 flats..
So that is WHY I say read ARCHIVES. if you are a NEWBIE to VW diesels.
Today I read ALL --- Lorens threads ---feb 2002. That is why I suggest that Newbies
start by reading Loren first.
>From there you will find your way to the REAL brains on anything related.------------NO
Problemo for Hagar . --- I should add that I have a SPONGE brain ---any important
information from 1936 to now is at my fingertips ---all I have to do --is squeese the
There are some bad things about it -------like lets move on and forget ---forget Dachau ?
forget ----that the Danish government played hanky panky with ---Herr . Adolf ?
NEVER NEVER and one more time NEVER. Forget the Swinery of the Vikings in UK ?
This has to do with end of WAR # 2. --------I survived by LUCK. -------pure dumb luck.
And the summer of 1945 was where my German diesel and Volkswagen education really
took off.
No I was NOT hatched I had a Mother ------ a very kind , hysterical ,compassionate ,generous
hard working -woman with ----real smarts in her genes.. She died on the way to Kastrup
airport to come here --to visit her favorite kid out of SIX. -----Very sad day for me.
Next week I shall read ALL threads from Doyt Echelberger. ---then ? who knows --but READ I will.
If you are a NEWBIE ?----follow me for a trip through --the archives. ---And you will be the bestest
damnest VW diesel fixer on the block.. (like Hagar).
PS : remember the FUN.
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