[Vwdiesel] Nicks Problem child

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Tue May 10 21:11:53 EDT 2005

Well, here it is the eve of starting my completely gone through 1.6L TD, I
mean it has all been through except one thing and that is the starter, now
can anyone guess what happened tonight?  Yep, starter is dead, took it out
and it barely pops out and rotates, this is with a fresh good battery.  I
did the usual 100% ground connection super sand/clean up as well as the
positive connections, I even ran a 2gage wire to the starter from the
battery on both the pos and neg as well as left the original cables in. Of
course I did all this before I pulled the starter because connection issues
are big on these. At least from what I have read. Figures that I'm this
close to starting this thing and one more set back comes along and I have to
wait even longer now to get it rolling.  How hard is it to rebuild these
starters and are  the parts for them easy to come by? Too think I was hoping
to take it out on a break-in run down I-40 a seventy mile ride to



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