[Vwdiesel] Diesel Purge ..Miser's view

Gavrik Peterson gavrik at cablespeed.com
Wed May 11 01:53:41 EDT 2005

>Does it smoke on tickover or fast idling or just under >load.

When it starts cold it will smoke a little until it get 
half way warmed up. The real noticeable smoke is seen when 
driving. There are two situations when this happens. 
Sometimes it would smoke when just accelerating moderately 
at moderate engine speed. It always would smoke if you 
accelerate heavily at fairly high engine RPM. This smoking 
I am describing is very different from the engines 
behavior before it changed. I was always possible to make 
it smoke but this was only at very high RPM and torque and 
it was less smoke then I am talking about above.

I must stressed that that after putting one can of Diesel 
Purge through the smoke seen when driving has been reduced 
to the point that I have not been able to observe it in 
daylight conditions no matter what I do. I have yet to 
perform the more sensitive test which is done at night 
with following headlights. I find it interesting that the 
Diesel purge treatment has not noticeably reduced the 
smoke on a cold startup.

There is also the issue of how valid these tests are 
because the diesel Purge contains a cetane improver. Some 
of which is left in the pump and gets into the fuel tank. 
This may cause less smoke until the next tank.

>If all of above then maybe on tickover loosen one injector >supply line at a time to shut each injector off at a time.

I already tried this after Val suggested it. The result 
was that when I removed each injector the engine slowed 
slightly and the smoke was unchanged. This was the same 
for every injector. I only did this test at an idle. 
Perhaps I would have learned more if I had increased the 
RPM. After performing this test I started to think that my 
problem was in the pump. At this point I still don't 
understand what is going on.

What we need, besides more knowledge, are better 
instruments for testing these beasts. In the movie Das 
there is an engine room scene where a crew member is 
checking the operation of the diesel. He goes along the 
engine opening a port on each cylinder and examines the 
appearance of the jet of flame that erupts. I say we are 
not schteping mit Heinrich yet.

   -- Gavrik

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