[Vwdiesel] injector nozzles #s

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu May 12 02:16:10 EDT 2005

  I found this:
Injection Valve         0 986 430 206   $102.70 
  That would be a complete injector though.  Oddly my Bosch book doesn't 
list the '94 even though it lists the 1.9 for  '96 through '98, changing 
nozzles and assemblies in '97.  So IF a '96 is the same it lists 0 432 193 
as a new uint WITH a timing nozzle and an 810 as the one without.  
Nozzle alone is listed as  0 433 175 092.  It gives engine ID up through 
'92 but then nothing but displacement.  :-(

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