[Vwdiesel] Followed a Jetta TDI today

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Sat May 14 00:57:15 EDT 2005


I was doing the hour drive home from Barrie, Ontario today and go on nice
two lane paved backroads and a bit of highway to get home.  On the way home
I ended up behind a couple of slow moving water tankers and a long line of
cars.  First chance I got I hit the loud pedal and passed all except the
first in line behind the trucks as I ran out of room in the oncoming lane.
The car now in front of me  was a nice new looking silver grey Jetta TDI
according to the rear badges.  We are going up a healthy grade and the
passing lane clears and zoom, off and goes the Jetta passing the big trucks
uphill like 'get outa town'.  I follow.  I am driving a Camry with the 24
valve V-6 FI engine. This car is not a slouch.  I was pretty impressed with
the acceleration and speed of that newish Jetta that I observed while trying
to keep on his tail, following him pass others and driving enough above the
speed limit that a speeding ticket would have been really expensive.  I
never saw a puff of exhaust smoke, nor did I smell any telltale diesel
exhaust from the Jetta TDI..

I want one!


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