[Vwdiesel] (Fwd) Another way to do it... (NVC)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon May 16 11:31:41 EDT 2005

> Wars are obscenely expensive and that is a very real integral part
> of the cost of the present fuel supply.

  Well, yes/no.  Cost of fuel stays lower if flow of crude is not interrupted 

by some tyrant, etc trying to take control of an oil field (Saddam vs. 
Price of funding a war/police action is indeed higher than regular military 
maneuvers however we NEVER hear the difference in cost of the military 
just staying up to date and operating on a regular basis vs the cost of when 
it's in full, non-practice operation.  We only hear the daily cost of it in 
full operation so that we get inflamed at the obscene cost of it.  We'd 
be a bit alarmed at the daily, peacetime cost I'm sure.  But then that IS 
a constitutional requirement to keep this country (and others) safe.
  Michael Moore shot himself in the foot in my book.  I was trying to listen 
to an interview with him right after his movie.  Some VERY good and 
interesting debate points were constantly being brought up and he'd start 
well and then go into personal attacks, tirades and unfounded opinion on 
every one of them!  I gave up and changed the channel as even the 
interviewer seemed to be getting tired of it and started backing into 
lame conversation. :-(

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