[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --- ( Hagar on Physicks and Chemistry. )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed May 18 11:04:39 EDT 2005
these guys are smart, quirky, independent thinkers ( Rolf said ) and I Hagar agree.
Hagar grasps a hell of a LOT ---BUT he knows that there are a HELL of a LOT more he does not
grasp. -----for some of those items I am here. -----and this place has been a GODsend for me.
The "Crazy" thinker in this forum IMHO is Mark Shepherd in Gloster Meteor land . At first one
may think it is all crazy talk ?----- but on closer examination ? ----pretty nifty .
As for me ? --- yes I do grasp the Hydrogen fuel cycle.
But I am going to let Loren COOL down before saying more on that. Nuff to say that
today is 18 may 2005 and yesterdays crop of threads on FUEL was a quite a handful.
With Diesel around 1 dollar pr liter here on Highway 101. ---it sure is on HOT topic.
And rightfully so. -----
To fully understand the VALUE of those OLD Rabbits ----it may be necessary to
dig a bit deep into Physics and Chemistry ------and YES ECONOMICS.
And TONY the red neck hippie ----where are you at ? I do not Rant a lot --BUT I sure
ramble on and on and on. -----Remember May is a very special month for me----
1945 ---freedom -----FREE at last. and this year is a 60 year . mark on my calendars.
So did I learn anything during that trip ? -----sure did ---I like LIFE not is spite of --but with
WARTS and all. ---To listen and READ and be accepting ---NOT excluding.
I am a DANE with Canadian papers --educated in Denmark ,USA, UK, and Canada.
And having a BALL. ---( pain and all ).
And that is exactly what Hagar is doing. I am the oldest student in grade 6 in
Lisas -----school in the JEM state. ---and the most attentive student in Doyt Echelbergers
Physics and Chemistry course in OHIO.
To digress for a minute -----I wish you all could hear the MASTERPIECES plying here on
digital HI-FI from an American sattellite ----while I am writing this.
Puts me in a GOOD MOOD ---NO ranting.
I hope to read todays harvest on Fuel issues. sometime tonight.
Hagar. ( well I did not ---- but I did today )
PS : for me is this all economics or cheapscating ? no not at all---it is ALL of that
and having FUN. ---I never enjoyed working on ANYTHING more than I enjoy
working on these little JEWELS.----Thank you Adolphus. And YES I was the TOP
of the class student in PHYSICS ---in the School I attended.---and proud of it.
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