[Vwdiesel] Cheap Fuel

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Wed May 18 22:41:29 EDT 2005

At 10:13 PM 5/18/05 EDT, you wrote:

>  The thing we all seem to keep forgetting is that the major "cost" we 
>incur when paying for fuel is TAXES!!  

Which is why I think we should keep a low profile as long as possible. The
"free" oil will not last forever. Commercial interests are already getting
interested in promoting agrofuels, monsanto already has the canola farmers
in a death grip, There have been news items on tv about WVO. Today's quaint
and eccentric WVO drivers are the taxpayers of tomorrow.

Right now we are below their radar, but not for long.

Enjoy it while you can.

In the UK, if you are caught using WVO without paying the road tax, into the
slammer. Right Mike?


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