[Vwdiesel] blueprinted diesel engines

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Thu May 19 13:10:56 EDT 2005

In a hi-performance gasoline engine (I'm now questioning whether there is
such a thing) the process of equalizing the TDC piston chamber volumes is
known as "cc'ing' the heads.  It is important to do this as one combustion
chamber smaller than the others will have a higher CR and may cause that one
cylinder to suffer from pre-ignition knock that would not be heard above the
din of the entire engine. Pushing the engine to it's limits as is the point
in a racing engine will cause that one cylinder to self destruct.

In a diesel engine where the fuel is caused to ignite at the right time by
injecting it, the actual balance of CR is far less important for good engine
operation.  In a gas engine the balance can be a 'hairy edge' phenomenon.  I
don't think the hairy edge exists in a diesel, so going to great trouble to
eliminate something that doesn't exist probably won't result in practical
performance gains.


Making the airflow passages more efficient however ought to help.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin and Chelly Bennett" <cjb at midrivers.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:56 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] blueprinted diesel engines

> The other day I was visiting with my favorite VW shop owner/mechanic and
> the topic of balancing enigines came up.  We were wondering how much of
> a difference it would make to a vw diesel if one was to take the time to
> balance it out and do the rest of the hotrodder tricks to make a smooth
> running gas engine.  He has went to the trouble to match piston
> extension and has found that just getting all the pistons sticking out
> of the block the same a worthwhile exersice. Gotta go the "free" energy
> of lightning gettting close.
> Justin
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