[Vwdiesel] Re: [Diesel-Vanagon] One for the archives...RE: '82 Vanagon we...

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu May 19 23:18:14 EDT 2005

Have you replaced the GP relay? According to Bentley, the fuel solenoid runs 
off #86 on the GP relay, which is also tied in to #15 on the ignition switch. 
It's possible your relay is flaky, causing the problem. It's also possible 
your seatbelt warning system somehow factors in. (I mention this only because 
mine was fried shorting power to pin 15, and disconnecting it fixed it). A test 
light as Rob suggested would be a good plan to see what's going on when it 
happens again. 

  So is the Vanagon wired differently than the Rabbits and Jettas?  Mine are 
wired straight into a hot line.  Didn't recall it tieing into the GP relay...
'Course I don't think I was looking to see if it did either...

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