[Vwdiesel] Wanted: Glow Plug Relay Socket

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Fri May 20 00:06:00 EDT 2005

On 19 May 2005 at 19:42, Will Taygan <william at taygan.com> wrote:

> All right, I've googled and scoured the local junkyards up to an hour
> away.  No luck so far in finding a socket for the glow plug relay for
> the Frankenjetta.  
> Before delving into the innards of the a3 wiring harness I thought I'd
> ask if anyone out there has one of the separate glow plug sockets, like
> the one on my 1981 pickup.  Mine's grey with 175937501?? stamped on it.

Are you sure of that part #? 
135937501 looks to be a relay plate, and it's listed at busdepot.com

161937501B is also there, and EKTA lists it as a 9pin relay plate for a '93 Jetta. It 
appears the stock GP location on the '93 Jetta is above the main fusepanel, using 
one of these relay holders.

Shawn Wright
'85 Jetta D 
'88 Westy 2.1L, soon to be 1.6TD 5 speed
 (see progress at http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels)
'82 Diesel Westy

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