[Vwdiesel] Genset RPM and Diesels

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat May 21 18:48:14 EDT 2005

Too bad.  It's always nice when something just works right the first time...
Also, at 1800, your horsepower is pretty low on a 1.5.  guesstimate you get
maybe 15 hp at that rpm. You could just drop or raise generator or motor to
make enough room for the belt drive too, shoot for 2500ish engine rpm on the
1.5.  With a constant speed governor set to do that, you would have a very
nice runner.

Er.. how big a welder? that's a big demand all of a sudden for a genset-
thinking governor reaction time here.  motor drags down too much before the
governor gets full fuel happening.  When the electric toilets came out for
bush camps, the gensets really took a kicking. When someone would "flush"
and activate the electrical grid that electrocutes the poop, the demand was
terrible initially, and older gensets like the single whitte's and Listers
just belched smoke and blew up.  Thus came about little JD powered four
cylinder gensets for camps- their reaction time is way better. Not much
difference between striking an arc on the welder and flushing an electric
toilet.  The fit really hits the shan if you are a generator.


-----Original Message-----
From: Area31 Research Facility [mailto:stephensrw at stn.net]
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 10:02 AM
To: James Hansen; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Genset RPM and Diesels


I had made a comment that there was no excess heat from the engine at about
1250 RPM.  This was with the throttle about twenty or thirty thou advanced
above idle stop and a light electrical load applied.  The engine maintained
a water temp 175-180 F.  Little heat was coming from the radiator.  No
wonder, very little fuel was being processed by the engine!

At 1800 RPM, and a couple of kW electrical load the 1.5 NA engine has no
lack of heat issues. When I'm using it as a governor controlled 1800 RPM
genset the average coolant temp is 195-200 F.  This is probably ideal for
the engine.  The oil pan is plenty hot.

I tried to operate my electric welder from the output of this plant last
niight for the first time and was disappointed that it does not make enough
power at 1800 RPM for my needs.  I had hoped that this genset would have
been adequate to run my machine shop. Configured direct drive at 1800 RPM as
it is, this is unfortunately not the case.  It seems all I have now is a
nice emergency stand-by plant for the home.

I guess I need to build another diesel plant, this one with a DC welding
generator integral to it and run the engine at ~3000 RPM.  Time for belt
drive speed reduction I guess.  I have a Nissan 4 cyl diesel that I could
use for this next project.  It is 1.8 litres I think.


----- Original Message -----
From: "James Hansen" <jhsg at sasktel.net>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 3:36 AM
Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] Genset RPM and Diesels

> I am still a DO NOT USE  TORQUE  -----use RPMs on these diesels.   They
> designed
> as high speed diesels -----and as such they do not like high cylinder
> pressures. ----AND read my lips  ----Gensets are notorious for opening the
> throttle full
> power on a load being applied.----------
> _____________________________-
> yes.
> I can't see the vw diesel lasting better at 1800rpm .  That's out of it's
> peak efficiency range.  All you are saving with a vw-D by going low rpm is
> the friction generated by the bearings, the difference between what it
> be at 3500 and what it is at 1800.  A fiddling amount really. It was
> mentioned that at low rpm, the coolant was not very warm.  If that's the
> case, that will kill an engine.  Restrict coolant flow or something to get
> the engine warmer.
> Hagar's right about the volks being a high speed engine. Speed and useable
> torque is a function of displacement and cam profile, one of which the
> doesn't have, and the other is the lobes are set up so the torque is
> optimized around 2500
> -James
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