[Vwdiesel] Alternative diesel

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Mon May 23 10:31:31 EDT 2005

David Cook wrote:
> The Car Talk guys once answered this as a question. 
> They said that sugar won't dissolve in the gasoline,
> it'll remain crystalized.
> What they said would happen, if anything, is that the
> sugar could clog up the fuel filter.  If you didn't
> have a fuel filter for some reason, then I suppose it
> would clog up something further down the line.
> They basically said the whole sugar in the gastank
> thing was one of those things that happens to your
> best friend's aunts' mother's sister's cousin's dad's
> dog's mother's owner.  In other words, an urban
> legend.

They came to the same conclusion the the Myth Busters TV show.


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