[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 ---- ( Hagar the DEUTORIUM kid ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon May 23 11:04:53 EDT 2005

Sure hope  Loren has cooled down   -----   I would not like to be the  reason for
a meltdown  at the Washington State     Fruit Plantation.     ----- evreything turning to applesauce
and not   a drop of CIDER ?.

Hagar just found out that he has been operating a  Heavy Water plant for years.  ---- Thank you
Loren for bringing up -----  

I now have to make a new abreviation -------"  ATMU  "       =      according to my understanding.

Gary Bangs      taught me to use      IMHO.

I hereby declare that   Hydrogen is a   --  FUEL  ---    for the purpose of   dicussing here
in  Fuel 101  ---getting your Rabbits moving.    ----  And as such is a Power source.

ATMU        Water is  H2O  -----two atoms of    Hydrogen and one Oxygen.        "Hydrogen Oxide."

ATMU       Heavy Water   is   D2O       two atoms of   Hydrogen isotope  and one Oxygen.    "Deutorium Oxide

(correct spelling yourself)

Here are some details about my   Heavy Water plant.   -----It started out as a  Water splitter  ----Today
it is powered by   600Volt 3 phase  60 Hz  from BC. Hydro.    ---The DC part is a GOULD  rectifier
unit     48 Volts    about 100 Amps output.  ------Wellwater   is split into Oxygen and Hydrogen.

Oxygen  bobbles up at one electrode and  Hydrogen  at the other.---------

What is NEW to me is that --     THAT very procedure was used by  NORSKE HYDRO in
1939  about.  -----     Heavy water does not split as easy as light water.

Stay  "TUNED"    for a desciption of Heavy Water -----what it tastes like , looks like and 
what it costs in the store.-----may not be stocked by Safeway.

Loren like me Hagar has a lot of the stuff in our wells.

It was discovered in about 1932 -33     by Americans.        I pray that my Tutor    Doyt Echelburger
will come ind and give us all a refresher   about Hydrogen in ALL its form.

Wil Hydrogen "POWER"    your Rabbit  ??? ----bet your ass.


PS :      Luxury ?    ----- hagars definition ?    is flushing your toilet with heavy water.

And Loren is RIGHT a lot of the Energy we use does come from the  old man el SOL,
but  I put it differently    from the UNIVERSE   ----the big Bangs and   "Creation".
by some awfull smart source.

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