[Vwdiesel] Vanagon Diesel Starter replacement
David Cook
vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Tue May 24 20:37:43 EDT 2005
Hi Jon-
Are you sure it is the starter? It could easily be
the starter switch itself going out.
If you can reliably start it with a screwdriver, then
it is likely the switch up front. You can also test
this a little easier of you want by replacing the wire
on the relay that normally comes from the ignition
switch with one that you can briefly touch to the
Again, if it starts reliably like this, then you need
a new ingition switch, not starter.
--- jon <jon at kenneke.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> It has comes time to replace my starter on a 1.6D
> Westy Vanagon. For
> awhile, it has taken 5 to 10 tries to get it to
> engauge, and this is
> *after* installing a "hot start" relay.
> So, I've read Bentley, etc, but I always like to get
> a second (and third,
> and so on) opinion. Anyone have any spiffy tips on
> replacing a starter?
> I imagine all I need to do is cleanup/replace the
> solenoid once I get it
> out. Again, any experience on this?
> (And, in other news, I just experienced the dreaded
> headlight switch
> meltdown. Ask me about how I used test leads to
> temporarily bypass the
> switch so we could get 75 miles to home, in the
> middle of the night. And,
> how on the same trip, the fuel filter clogged so
> quickly the engine died
> on the freeway. Good thing I *always* carry a spare.
> :-I )
> Thanks!
> Jon
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
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