[Vwdiesel] timing issue

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Wed May 25 19:20:54 EDT 2005

Well I got the old head back on and set the timing. I didn't pull the crank
bolt off but did look down around that area really well and it all looks
good.  I have not started the car, just turned over by hand and then with
the starter and every time I try the starter it seems to jump time. The cam
slot moves what seems to be two teeth as well as the IP timing pin hole.
They both seem to move the same distance. I think my cam sprocket slip issue
is fixed but now something else since them both seem to be off according to
the fly wheel timing mark. I can't really feel anything when I rotate it
over by hand but when I turn it over with the starter you can hear something
that isn't right. So do I need to take the crank bolt out? I know I have to
get a new one. How do I hold the engine when I torque the new bolt back on?
Any other idea's


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