[Vwdiesel] timing issue FOUND

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Wed May 25 23:32:26 EDT 2005

There are actually two styles of snout pulleys.

One has an integral tang that fits into a notch on the crank, the other
uses a big woodruf key, with respective slots in both the crank and


On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 01:51 +0100, Mark Shepherd wrote:
> Well done in finding the problem. If my memory is half as
> good as Hagars then we previously discussed that some cranks
> have a woodruff key and some have a lug on the pulley that
> is soft as shit and can sheer off making a mess of the
> engine ... my solution was to cut a groove where the lug on
> the pulley was and create a true woodruff slot  for a true
> woodruff key.
> Chicken and egg did the cam slippage cause the lug to strip?
> (or was it lug first; which IMO less likely) which STILL
> means that you need to keep an eye on the cam area...
> Miser
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