[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 160 --- ( Hagar on the SENILE virus ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu May 26 17:44:08 EDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: H . Hagar. 
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 12:43 PM
Subject: Rabbit droppings # 160 --- ( Hagar on the SENILE virus ). 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: H . Hagar. 
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:51 AM
Subject: Rabbit droppings # 160 --- ( Hagar on the SENILE virus ). 

Hydrogen embrittlement.  Gee, Hagar, you're making me think, it's late.

Hagar zes   ----       Gee   ---  James     that was exactly the info I needed .   This has been
bugging me since 1962    when I was building a "Bensen  Gyrocopter"     ----in Canada it is
a  Gyroplane.   -----CF - PGH.   . 

Hagar was NO machinist  but he got a lathe  and ---it must have been beginners luck.
I managed to make a main bolt  (spindle)     for holding the windmill  on to the back
of the lawnchair.

It is a half inch thread NF   -----nut was AN.stuff   casterated. for a cotter key.     Like all good flyboys
I join EAA  chapter 85  ---all the boys in my area.     They told me that everything had to be  Aircraft .
Like Aircraft Spruce , Aircraft Tubing  ie   4130  condition N.      and so on.

I let some donkey talk me in to substituting    4130 steel for the bolt  with SPS something .----non 
certified.  ---downright stupid.    ------Here I got a masterpiece of machining ---and the wrong  material.

Hagar was born a chickenshit ----so NO WAY PERIOD    was I be sitting at 10 000 feet  --with one
lousy bolt holding me  ---a bolt that rotates in bearings ?    ---unless that bolt was the finest
man could produce.

So it was Magnafluxed  all radia were perfect  etc etc. ----now going on floats on salt water ?
it must be plated ? right. -----so off to the plating shop ---the donkey said Caddium    so ok ?.

Then at the next meeting of EAA   I proudly showed my MASTERPIECE.  ------shit    the guys asked
me ---what about HYDROGEN IMBRITTLEMENT ? ------------all these years I have tried to get
a simple Volks answer to what the hell is it ?  ------anyways it was sent off to the BAKER -----
and it was done right.     (I hope)

So there you go guys --now you know as mutch as I ----Hydrogen is fine in the cobustion chamber
but no good in Welds and Bolts.


PS :    a Maytag   self cleaning oven works like the dickens on those low hydrogen welding
rods ------to drive the H out of there.

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