[Vwdiesel] timing issue

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Fri May 27 18:10:38 EDT 2005

I have a new gear on it's way. My question is, where in the Bentley does it
state how to install it? I found the torque but no instructions as to thread
locker (Blue Loctite?) I also called the local dealership and they said that
the bolt does not have to be replaced. It can be reused.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Cameron [mailto:scameron at compmore.net] 
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 3:06 AM
To: mikitka
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] timing issue

At 07:20 PM 5/25/05 -0400, you wrote:
>Well I got the old head back on and set the timing. I didn't pull the crank
>bolt off but did look down around that area really well and it all looks
>good.  I have not started the car, just turned over by hand and then with
>the starter and every time I try the starter it seems to jump time. The cam
>slot moves what seems to be two teeth as well as the IP timing pin hole.
>They both seem to move the same distance. I think my cam sprocket slip
>is fixed but now something else since them both seem to be off according to
>the fly wheel timing mark. I can't really feel anything when I rotate it
>over by hand but when I turn it over with the starter you can hear
>that isn't right. So do I need to take the crank bolt out? I know I have to
>get a new one. How do I hold the engine when I torque the new bolt back on?
>Any other idea's

If it's (the crank sprocket) moving 2 teeth worth. you will need a new key

Is this a 1.6L engine?

Never heard of the crank sprocket comming loose on a 1.6. I've never had one
off either.

I did witness first hand the stupid design of the first 2 years of the 1.9L
engine (93-94). I thought the nose had twisted off the crank shaft.
The pistons went up and down, but the pulley did not turn ):-(

Follow the bentley instructions, or better, get info from a dealer elf. Use
the right kind of thread locker on it.

Good luck


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