[Vwdiesel] crankshaft bolt...
Gary Shea
shea at gtsdesign.com
Sun May 29 15:08:02 EDT 2005
I seem to remember reading in the Bentley that (for the '80 - '84 Rabbit
diesel) there are two different kinds of bolts, correlating to year
ranges. I don't have the book handy, but I recall that the older one
called for extremely high torque, and the newer one calls for less high
but requires the vw version of loctite. I have a cheap impact wrench
that claims to go to 250 ft/lb, but the only way I could get that bolt
off was with the blue wrench... heated it up real good with the torch
and after it cooled, came right off.
I bought a new bolt.
On Fri, 2005-05-27 at 19:06 -0700, a f wrote:
> Hey guys --
> Sorry been trying to post this for some time...sorry for the dupes.
> In the meantime, I think Sandy just answered the locking of the crankshaft question...anyway, here is the original post that never made it to you....
> Just in the process of putting new timing belt, v-belts, water pump, front seals (trying to do all three) and valve cover gasket on my '91 Jetta N/A...
> Got everything figured out pretty much except for the unbolting of the crankshaft bolt (12pt-19mm) to get to the crankshaft seal... impact is the only way? tried strap wrench (using old timing belt) to hold sprocket, car in gear w/ brakes on...the crank still moves. I have been using breaker bar. I am about to just leave it as is but thought I would ask you guys how you do it. I have searched the archives and have found very little which surprised me (I have been using Shawn's search on his website is there a better way to access the archives?).
> I have access to an impact wrench but am a bit worried about torquing the bolt back on once it is off. I have also thought about dropping the pan and stopping the crank from rotating that way but need the car back on the road soon and have already invested more time than I originally thought I would need. Any suggestions?
> Thanks and have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend
> Andrew
> BTW do you guys recommend using loctite when re-torquing it? Just seems a bit too permanent for me but I imagine a ruined engine is much worse?
> Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net> wrote:>From Bentley:
> six-sided (conventional) bolt, 137 ft-lbs (Wow!)
> Hex socket bolt, 111 ft-lbs
> 12 point bolt, (stretch) 66 ft-lb plus additional 1/2 turn
> I could not find any comment on thread locker, thought I had read it
> somewhere (maybe here).
> How to hold the engine while you wrench:
> Some kind of "special vw tool" inserted thru timing hole that engages the
> flywheel.
> or,
> Take out the starter and stuff something in there to hold it Make sure it
> CAN'T move.
> or, take off the pan and block the crankshaft with a wood block
> Good luck.
> Sandy
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