[Vwdiesel] T or H tires

SLATERSFB at aol.com SLATERSFB at aol.com
Sun May 29 22:12:29 EDT 2005

I'm pretty sure you'd be OK with T rated. 
H are probably a little rounder and internally more uniform.
Maybe stay balanced a little better, too. 
If you do a lot of highway driving, even below speeds indicated for H rated, 
you're better off with them, IMO. Better ride and less vibration to wear your 



In a message dated 5/27/2005 6:27:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
val at swamps.roc.ny.us writes:

> Subj: [Vwdiesel] T or H tires 
>  Date: 5/27/2005 6:27:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>  From: val at swamps.roc.ny.us
>  To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>  Sent from the Internet 
> On an 2003 TDI, the charts at Sam's, for tires, say H rated tires.
> I have T rated tires.  Can anyone comment further?  Is there that 
> much difference for someone driving in the snowbelt (cooler climate),
> who seldom hits 85 mph?  Most driving is in the 45 to 75 range.
> Val
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